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Medical Compression Stocking and Socks

( number of products: 187 )

As with so many diseases, there is no one single correct treatment here. However, the fact of the matter is ~ Wearing medical compression stockings is the basic therapy for venous diseases.

Compression therapy ~ Proven and Effective

Medical compression socks and stockings help to support the natural function of the veins in the long term and to hinder progression of the venous disorder. This supports the work of the muscle~vein pump and the blood flow to the heart. Simultaneously, the pressure exercised on the leg by the stocking is reduced from the bottom to the top.

Medical Compression Stockings and Socks

Medical compression stockings and socks are available in various compression categories. Your physician decides which is the most suitable for you. At the first sign of vein weakness, wearing medical compression stockings can help to hinder worsening. Compression therapy also supports the vein function in the advanced stages of the disease.

How do medical compression stocking work?

The pressure exerted by the medical compression stockings is reduced in a defined, controlled manner from the ankle upwards. The vein diameter is reduced, the venous valves close again and support blood flow.
