Snowboarding braces and supports
( number of products: 344 )Snowboarding braces and supports
Snowboarding injuries tend to occur primarily to the knees and wrists, as these areas absorb the most impact from falls and landings. Protect your knee ligaments and wrists with a well-chosen brace that provides additional support while you’re on your board. Our brace experts recommend the following braces and supports to help prevent injuries when you’re on the slopes.
Braces and supports for snowboarding injuries
Are you familiar with some of the more common snowboarding injuries? Anything from ACL and meniscus tears, to knee strains and patellar tendonitis can inhibit you from riding for some time. Usually, these result from falling at high speeds. A dangerous, knee-jerk reaction most snowboarders tend to make is landing on the wrists in order to catch a fall. As a result, this causes wrist sprains and even broken wrists. The most effective way for preventing these snowboarding injuries is to wear snowboarding braces. A snowboarding brace protects the body from impact with the ground by keeping your joints in proper position, in order to minimize chance of injury. They also provide support for snowboarders who have previously injured themselves, which helps them to get back to doing what they love with confidence.

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